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The Shell Eco-marathon is an international competition that challenges students from around the world to design, build, test, and drive the most energy-efficient car. With three annual events in Asia, Americas and Europe, student teams take to the track to see who goes further on the least amount of fuel. This competition teaches participants valuable design, engineering, communication, and business skills while working in an interdisciplinary team. This extensive project requires much extracurricular research and commitment, as the project is mostly fabricated in-house, requiring many labor hours.

All engineering students undergo a two year senior capstone project at James Madison University. As a part of this capstone process, we are integrating the Shell Eco-Marathon competition into our design sequence. Our 2022 senior team will be completing the fuel-efficient vehicle for the year's event, using data and analysis gathered from the test bench we fabricated in the previous year.  We have teams working on running data collection to make further improvements. We will soon have a team of junior-level engineering students working on improving engine performance, while working along side the seniors and learning from them.

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